Saturday 21 March 2015


True, there has been some noise about a private jet Charles chartered for the trip (at an estimated cost of £250,000) so as to keep himself and his courtiers fresh on their latest ecological mission. But for the man who spent £255,000 on a jet to Nelson Mandela’s funeral and almost £20,000 on a round trip to Worcester, this was merely in character.

...the Duchy of Cornwall: an £800m business that...pays Charles an annual £19m (on top of his subsidies from taxpayers), and on which he pays no corporation tax.

[Catherine Bennett, The Guardian, 20/3/15.]

“We are standing at a moment of substantial transition where we face the dual challenges of a world view and an economic system that seem to have enormous shortcomings, together with an environmental crisis – including that of climate change – which threatens to engulf us all.”

He added: “Our ability to adapt to the effects of climate change, and then perhaps even to reduce those effects, depends upon us adapting our pursuit of ‘unlimited’ economic growth to that of ‘sustainable’ economic growth.